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What is Recovery?

Bound for Freedom

The question "what is recovery?" is sometimes asked by people struggling with addiction. They enter the treatment arena seemingly waiting for something to happen outside of their conscious control. Doctors may give medicine, counselors give counseling, loved ones beg for change while folks with spiritual backgrounds pray for us. But what is our role in this thing called "Recovery"? What are we suppose to be doing consciously and on a consistent basis?

Most addicted people miss the point that recovery is something that they do on a daily basis. Its not what others consistently do for them but what they begin doing for themselves.

For example, If they are working a spiritual program (it's free and can be practiced anywhere) at a minimum morning and night are important. In the morning we seek guidance and in the night give thanks for the recovery guidance and the power to carry it out. We can ask for strength to exercise, properly nourish our bodies, keep worry at a minimum, find healthy recreational outlets, and new supportive friends. This practice must continue for up to six weeks daily to become a habit. Recovery is a new learning process for addicted people. One must expect up's and down's as you build a spiritual foundation. If the person early in spiritual recovery anticipates that everything is going to be smooth and without challenges, this can be a set-up for failure. By continuously teaching ourselves to deal with the ups and downs early recovery will surely offer, we deepen our belief that what we are doing is working.

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